Kamis, 17 September 2009

About Sampit

Sampit (2°32′S 112°57′E) is a small town located in Indonesia. Placed in Kalimantan Tengah province, as a capital of Kotawaringin Timur regency, this town is an unique yet mysterious place to visit. (image from www.indonesia-tourism.com)


The Name of Sampit 
Until now, where the name of Sampit came is still mysterious. From certain of resource, Sampit came from Tionghoa language (Chinese language) of "31" (3= sam, 1=it). Called 31, because at that time a group of Tionghoa people made some trade contact and created some garden. From the efforts of garden trade which is rattan, rubber, and Gambier.One of big rubber garden area at that time now is at Golden and Kodim nowadays. (image taken from http://images.hendijo.multiply.com/)

Strategic Place

 Sampit is one of important town in a Central of Kalimantan. The position of this town placed in strategic place for economical growth. 
Because this town placed at the center, this strategic position increasing the development of Sampit harbor, especially for attracting economical spot from the regency around Kotawaringin Timur. the harbor of Sampit (image taken from http://mazelisonk.files.wordpress.com )

The Town of River
Sampit has a slogan "Sampit Kota Mentaya" means "Sampit, The Town of Mentaya". Mentaya is a famous river in Sampit because this town place at the side of this river. In Dayak Ot Danum language (one of traditional language) this river called Batang Danum Kupang Bulan. This river is the blood of this town because very useful as transportation and economical link to another island. (image taken from http://roby.blogsome.com)

The Legend of Sampit River Kingdom
From the elders of Sampit, used to there are a kingdom called "Kerajaan Sungai Sampit" (Sampit River Kingdom) with their king, Raja Bungsu. The king has two kids named Lumuh Sampit (boy) and Lumuh Langgana (girl). The legend tells, the Kingdom of Sampit River finally disappear because the fight of that sister and brother to take the domination of that kingdom.
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